Junkas targets Republicans in issues mailer
Unlike his counterpart on the Democratic ticket State Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Republican challenger Jeff Junkas is focusing on the issues.
McCarthy's first mailer was an attack piece against Junkas. His second mailer was a generic worthless full color piece of literature that showed McCarthy in a generic do-nothing photo sitting with three little old ladies with white hair. He was talking generally about senior care. Both were mailed to Republicans and Democrats in the district, an expensive proposition, for sure.
Yea, like no one supports seniors, jobs and education. What do you stand for McCarthy and what are the initiatives you will pursue if re-elected?
No answer.
But at least Junkas, in his limited mailer to Republican voters (not Democrats), Junkas addressed specific issues and ideas. And I like them.
He says he's going to turn Springfield upside down. If he does that, Springfield would be rightside up, which would be an improvement for sure.
But he lists five good ideas in his piece: 10 percent pay cut for ALL state elected officials, and term limits; sell the state's fleet of luxury airplanes and helicopters and sell all non-emergency vehicles; conduct a forensic audit of state spending to identify areas of waste, fraud and mismanagement; property tax reform that tales politics and corruption out of the system; and cut bureaucratic red-tape that over-regulates employers and costs Illinois jobs.
I like the first three but the last two are generic too, but at least he has three good ideas.
McCarthy and Junkas are facing-off in the 38th House District November 2. Orland Park is the heart of the district.
-- Ray Hanania
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